Getting Started
These tutorials will help you get airTRFX set up and make minor edits to your pages
It is easy to add and remove admin users to your airTRFX Control account.
airTRFX Control makes it easy to add and remove routes individually, or at scale. When you add or remove a route from your network, simply update your route list excel file in airTRFX Control to update your airTRFX pages and airModules.
In cases where an airline has operations in more than one airport within the same city, it is possible to select a preferred airport as default in airTRFX pages. This way, when users search flights to or from a city, the preferred airport will be auto-populated in results.
Edit destination content easily by adding descriptions to the text box, or by downloading the desntination description template, adding content, and uploading it to airTRFX Control. Columns in the template define content that will appear on mobile or desktop only versions.
airTRFX Control is where you can manage all of the pages for your network. The URL Export feature enables you to download a spreadsheet of your page URLs my market and template. This file contains columns for each URL slug, site edition, template and the index status for all of the airTRFX Pages you selected.
The Basics
Now that you have airTRFX set up, learn how to further customize it. These tutorials will teach out how to change page layouts, add custom code, add meta descriptions and adjust page header menus.
Airlines can further customize their airTRFX pages by adding their own code. In this video we will show you how to add custom code to both Template Pages and Custom Pages.
In this video we go over how to add new modules or change their order on airTRFX pages.
Users can easily add or edit the SEO Title Tag and Meta Description for their airTRFX pages. The Title Tag and Meta Description are important for SEO purposes and provide the limited text that users can see in the search engine results that invites them to click on your page.
The Header Menu and Secondary Menu items are easy to change using airTRFX Control. In this video you will learn how to adjust the header of airTRFX pages by changing links, item captions, and adding or eliminating items.
Learn how to include destination images in airTRFX Control for your Template Pages, Custom Pages and Assets – like Campaigns. Images can be hosted by Everymundo or by the Airline.
The following tutorials will teach you how to create your own widgets, from custom pages, custom fare airModules, Promo airModules, Campaigns on airTRFX pages, and set up ads with Dynamic Price Insertion using airDPI.
Easily add custom pages to your website with airTRFX Control. Create these custom airTRFX pages for SEO, marketing campaigns and promotions and display your custom airModules with real-time fares.
This video explains how to create a custom page and add an airModule that displays real-time fares from your route network.
EveryMundo makes it easy to create airModules that automatically display the lowest fares on any available routes. You can create airModules based on origin, destination, theme travel, and more! Once creates, airModules can be placed on your core website or on EveryMundo airTRFX pages.
This video explains how to create a custom airModule that displays real-time fares of selected routes from your network.
EveryMundo helps airlines market their lowest real-time fares across the web, but what about static, promotional fares? This video explains how to create a Promo airModule that has static fares, as well as how to create a custom page and place the Promo airModule on that custom page.
The Route Status airModule can be placed on any Home Page or airTRFX page to update travelers on route availability. Due to COVID-19, some routes may be suspended or have reduced service. Airlines can use the Route Status airModule to provide route status updates to all web visitors and allow direct bookings for all available routes. In this video we show how you can fill out a simple spreadsheet to create a Route Status airModule on airTRFX Control.
airTRFX Campaigns display content (images, text, videos, and more) on airTRFX pages of your choosing for a set period of time. Set up a campaign to promote certain destinations, to share a promocode, or a holiday sale. There are no limits to what you can create with a campaign.
airDPI is EveryMundo’s Dynamic Price Insertion tool that is part of our wider selection of Search Engine Marketing (airSEM) portfolio. airDPI updates your prices in search ads, remarketing ads, and price extensions by leveraging FareNet and Google’s API.
This video explains how to set up an airDPI campaign so that your ads display the lowest real-time fares.