How to change the Title Tag and Meta Description of airTRFX Pages

In this video you will learn how to include or change the Title Tag and Meta Description of airTRFX pages.

The Title Tag and Meta Description are important for SEO purposes and is the limited text that users can see in the search engine results that invites them to click on your page.



For Custom Pages: (0:24 – 1:40)

  1. Go to Pages and select Custom Pages, you can create a new custom page or edit an existing page.
  2. The page name is internal only and should give you information about the page contents
  3. Page Title is the header line on your custom page, and the title that appears on the search engines. The title should be no longer than 72 characters
  4. Make sure the URL slug is descriptive and unique, separates words with hyphens, not underscores, and contains the target keyword 
  5. The title tag is the name of the page that appears on the browser tab. 
  6. The Meta Description is not visible on your page, but it is the description that users can see in the search engine results. It should be no longer than 160 characters.
  7. Be sure to make your page active, and turn on indexing if you want your page to be seen by search engines, and enable a background image if you want it to appear. Click Submit to save your changes.


For Template Pages: (1:41 – 2:24)

  1. Go to the SEO Section of the menu bar and select Template Pages Metadata
  2. Choose the type of page that you want to change.
  3. These fields contain the destination parameter in order to make every Title Tag and Meta Description unique for each page. We do not recommend removing the parameter, but you can adjust the other text including the key message for your airline. 
  4. It is possible to select a parameter from the dropdown box and to include it in the description.
  5. Make sure the title fits in 72 characters and the description in no more than 160 characters.


For Home Pages: (2:25 – 3:14)

  1. Go to the SEO section and click Home Pages Metadata
  2. There are different fields per site edition, so you can edit in the corresponding language the SEO Title Tag and Meta Description. 
  3. When you are finished click Submit

Another way you can do this is by downloading the csv file

  1. Open the CSV file and fill in the cells for your airTRFX home pages, and you can also add the Image URL for each page. 
  2. Save the file and upload it on airTRFX Control.