How to create a Campaign using airTRFX Control

Campaigns display content (images, text, videos, and more) on pages of your choosing for a set period of time. Set up a Campaign to promote certain destinations, to share a promo code, or a holiday sale. There are no limits to what you can create with an airTRFX Campaign.

To understand how to set up a campaign, let’s first review the parts:

A Campaign displays information on set pages (either template pages or custom pages) for a set time.

Within a Campaign, you can create however many Containers you need. For example, if you want to have different Campaign information displayed before, during, and after a sale. 

Within each Container, you specify the Site Edition – which is the language and country of the page, timing for the duration it should be displayed, the routes you want to include, and any number of assets. Assets can be text, video, images, pricing widgets, airModules, or custom code. 

Now that you have an idea of the parts of a Campaign, let’s create one. 




Create a Custom Asset for your Campaign:

  1. Go to the airModules section and select Custom Assets. Click the button for New Asset on the page. An asset can be text, video, image or other content.
  2. Name your new asset, which is internal, and select the type – for this example it is a campaign.
  3. Add tags that will make it easy to find the asset later, which will be helpful for finding if you are creating multiple assets.
  4. Use the content editor to create the content you want to display. Any text, images, videos or other visualizations can be added here. 
  5. For those who want to use custom HTML code, you can paste it into the source code for more advanced displays. 
  6. Save the asset. 


Now that we have the asset we want to show, we need to create a Campaign Definition and a Campaign Container. 

Create a Campaign Definition:

  1. Go to the Campaign section of the menu and select Campaign Definition and click the button on the page to add a new Campaign.
  2. Fill in the information for your Campaign:
  3. The name of the Campaign is internal.
  4. Add the dates you want the Campaign running, if you want your Campaign to be available indefinitely you can leave the dates blank.
  5. Insure it is marked active, and make it global if you want to make it available for all pages. 
  6. Add the page templates you want to make this Campaign available for, add a description and click save. 


Next, we need to create a Container for the Campaign and Asset to go in. 

Create a Campaign Container:

  1. Go to the Campaign section of the menu and select Campaign Container
  2. Search the name of the Campaign Definition you created from the container list then click New Container. 
  3. Add the container name and the dates you want it active
  4. The template options available will be based on what you selected in the Campaign Definition.
  5. Select the site edition to determine the pages to place the campaign on based on language and country. You can add as many site editions as you want.
  6. Add the routes that this Campaign is related to.
  7. Search the list for the asset you created, then drag and drop it to the Container Assets and click save. 


The last step is to place this Campaign Container (which now includes the Campaign and the asset) on a page. It can be a Template Page or a Custom Page depending on what you selected in the Campaign Definition. 

Place the Campaign on a page

  1. Navigate to the Pages section in the menu and select either Template Layout or Custom Pages (depending on the Campaign Definition)
  2. Choose the template you want to add the Campaign to
  3. Search available airModules to drag and drop the Campaign from the list onto the page layout. The layout determines the order the assets and airModules appear on the page.
  4. After you place the Campaign where you want it to be on the page, click save.