How to add images to airTRFX Pages & Assets

In this video you will learn how to include destination images in airTRFX Control for your Template Pages, Custom Pages and Assets – like Campaigns.

Images can be hosted by Everymundo or by the Airline. We suggest letting EveryMundo host them, because this is the easiest way to optimize SEO and page load speed.

If the airline wants to host the images, they should ensure that the image measurements are no larger than 1500 x 500 px, is less than 120 KB, and include a descriptive name of the destination.



How to add images to Template Pages:

  1. To add the images to Template Pages, go to airTRFX Control and navigate to Destinations in the left side menu and select Destination Images.
  2. Download the template from the City Section
  3. When you open the template you will see it already has a list of the airline’s destinations from the route list. 
  4. Copy your image URL and paste it in the image column, next to the city name. 
  5. Save the file.
  6. Go back to airTRFX Control and upload the new file. The template pages will automatically display the new images


How to add images to Custom Pages:

  1. Navigate to Pages and select Custom pages
  2. Click on the edit icon of the custom page that you want to work on
  3. Paste the image URL in the field for Destination Generic Image URL to make it the main image of the custom page


How to add images to Assets:

  1. Navigate to the airModules section of the left side menu and select Custom Assets
  2. Choose to create a new Asset, or edit an existing one
  3. In the text editor you can add your image