How to create a Promotional airModule and place it on a Custom Page

EveryMundo helps airlines market their lowest real-time fares across the web, but what about static, promotional fares? This video explains how to create a Promo airModule that has static fares, as well as how to create a Custom Page and place the Promo airModule on that Custom Page.




To create a Promo airModule, log into airTRFX Control, navigate to the Promotions Section and click Promotion Definition

Promo Definition:

  1. Start by downloading the promotion template and then filling in the routes and fares you want to include. 
  2. Add routes by Origin Airport Code and Destination Airport Code.
  3. The columns to the right are where you will put your promotional fare prices and any categories of fares. 
  4. Delete the column headers for any columns you do not use
  5. Once you have filled out the template, name your Promotion (which is internal) and set the start and end dates if you want the promotion to be available for a limited time.
  6. Upload the template to the routes file. 


Now that we have defined the promotion, we need to create the Promo airModule. 


Promo Module:

  1. Go to Promotion airModules page and click New Promo Widget
  2. Name the Promo airModule, this name is internal
  3. The title is what will show as the page header 
  4. The description is internal only
  5. The Footer is used as a disclaimer for users
  6. The Site edition determines what pages to display the Promo airModule on by language and country
  7. Select the Promotion Definition you created earlier and add the routes, which will be consistent with the routes added to the template file you uploaded. 
  8. Choose to make your Promo airModule available for your home page, and whether you want to display destination images in your Promo airModule.
  9. You can also create a promo code. The offer onclick reaction will always be set to popup.
  10. Fill out what the pre-populations in the popup are. You can set the travel class, journey type, and number of passengers.
  11. Add blackout dates when this promotion is not available
  12. Select days of the week the promotion should be available and add any booking date requirements. Dates outside of your booking dates will show as unavailable. 


Now that we have the promotion definition and the Promo airModule created, we can place it on an existing Custom Page, or create one. If you already have a Custom Page skip to the next section. 


Create a new Custom Page

  1. Navigate to the Pages section of the menu and select Custom Pages. You can add the Promo airModule to an existing Custom Page, or create a new one.
  2. Click New Custom Page and fill in the information for your page
  3. The custom page name is internal
  4. Add dates the page should be visible. 
  5. Add the title that will show at the top of the page
  6. Choose the URL slug, which is the ending of the page URL. It should have no capital letters and words should be separated with hyphens. 
  7. You can upload the URL of an image if you want to have it displayed as a banner image across the top of the page. 
  8. Give the page a Title Tag and Meta Description that will help it show up in search engine results. 
  9. Make the page active and index the page if you want it to be searchable via search engines. If this page exists for a limited time for marketing purposes this may not be necessary.
  10. Enable a background image, and click submit. 


Custom Page Layout

  1. The final step is to select the Custom Page and add you Promo airModule to the layout.
  2. Find the Custom Page on the list and click the layout button on the far right.
  3. Search for the Promo airModule we created from the list of available airModules, then drag and drop it on to the page layout in the order you want it to display and click save.