Promote Domestic Routes

EveryMundo Restart & Recquire Best Practices

Kenya Airways: Communicating Restart and Promoting Domestic Flights

Kenya Airways is sharing their route network updates with airTRFX Template Pages and Custom Pages that are linked in email promotions. They have created a Custom Page for their email campaign which informs visitors of their reopened domestic routes. The same email campaign also links to To-City airTRFX Pages to promote key domestic routes.

By doing so, their email campaign highlights their reopened domestic routes as well as specific domestic destinations, making it easy to funnel travelers to pages best suited to their interests.


Air Canada Home Page with airTRFX links

Route Status Module + Promo Module

Kenya Airways is also utilizing new airTRFX features to promote latest updates on their route status to help drive more users into the booking flow.

The Route Status airModule is a customized Promo airModule that shares route updates and schedule. This airModule is ideal when route frequencies may be volatile or inconsistent. When routes are available, the Route Status airModule include booking functionality and a customizable pop-up window to filter travelers into the booking engine. Post updates on route suspension, reactivation, and availability on any page with the Route Status airModule.

Kenya Airways is using the Promo airModule to share additional customized operation details. They have added images to make the airModule visually appealing and can update operations across all pages where this airModule is placed.

Air Canada Home Page with airTRFX links

EveryMundo Restart & Reacquire Best Practices

Understand Demand

Understand search demand for all routes to determine which routes are best to reopen, and when. 

In this Playbook:

Utilize User Search Data

Forecast market demand from SEM

Promote Deals & Offers

Compete to acquire and reacquire customers with real-time, targeted fare promotions.

In this Playbook:

Run Cross-Channel Campaigns

Promote Future Travel Today

Sell Reopened Routes

Determine strategic routes to reopen, then acquire passengers with scalable marketing strategies.

In this Playbook:

Optimize SEM for Strategic Routes

Communicate Route Availability

Inform your Customers

Best practices to inform customers on and off your website.

In this Playbook:

Effectively communicate policies, restrictions and key info on and off your website at scale.

Reacquire Loyal Customers

Acquire new customers and reacquire loyal customers by advertising loyalty benefits.

In this Playbook:

Promote loyalty benefits

Display real-time miles fares

Focus SEO Efforts

Drive qualified traffic to your website with airline-specific SEO strategies.

In this Playbook:

Optimize organic search position

Maintain high SEO performance

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