EveryMundo Product Setup Plan

What to expect before, during, and after setup of an EveryMundo Product

During Product Setup our main goal is to support our Customers’ predictable, uninterrupted, fast launch of each of our Products. We provide training on our Products directly to the “EveryMundo Product User Experts” on your team. We inform our Customers regularly with executive status updates.

After the Product Setup we manage ongoing channel adoption and provide strategic advice and best practices for all channels. All Customers receive quarterly business reviews and ongoing executive communication. For any and all needs, we provide 24/7 Customer support via our Help Desk.

Sample airTRFX Product Setup Plan

Below you will find a sample product setup plan for airTRFX. 

airTRFX is setup in 6 phases in as little as 12 weeks. Below find the topics covered in each phase as well as the estimated effort required by customer team members.

The airTRFX Setup Plan is standardized but is subject to change.


Phase 1: Tracking Requirements

Key Discussion Topics:

  • airTRFX dataLayer
  • Product tracking requirements
  • Site editions and routes



  • Submit tracking requirements
  • Approve site edition setup
  • Grant access to Web Analytics platform


  • Site edition settings overview
  • Routes
  • airTRFX dataLayer template

Teams Involved:


  • Project Manager
  • Tracking/Web Analytics Expert


  • Product Delivery
  • Data Analytics
Phase 2: Product Definition

Key Discussion Topics:

  • Product definition and configuration



  • Approval of Product Definition Form


  • Delivery of Product Definition Form

Teams Involved:


  • Project Manager
  • Product Owner


  • Product Delivery
  • Customer Success
Phase 3: Training & Airline Content

Key Discussion Topics:

  • airTRFX Control training for product configuration
  • Geography names audit
  • SEO Roadmap Overview
  • URL slugs audit
  • Location images



  • Upload approved metadata and airModules titles
  • Upload location content and images (if applicable)
  • Approve geography names and URL slugs
  • Upload location images in airTRFX Control


  • Perform airTRFX Control training (Basic functionalities for setup)
  • Deliver and present airTRFX SEO Roadmap and Best Practices

Teams Involved:


  • Project Manager
  • Content Team
  • Product Users / Web Publishing


  • Product Delivery
  • Customer Success
  • Performance Marketing
Phase 4: User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Key Discussion Topics:

  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Classify feedback as pre-delivery, post-delivery or non-applicable



  • Submit UAT feedback via Product Support Desk


  • Deliver fully-functioning development environment
  • Walk-through of product and product test cases
  • Grant access to Product Support Desk
  • Feedback classification, processing and implementation

Teams Involved:


  • Project Manager
  • Internal QA Teams (if applicable)


  • Product Delivery
Phase 5: Final Product Review and Marketing Training

Key Discussion Topics:

  • Final product review before production release
  • Define test transactions methodology
  • Review interlinking and redirection plan
  • airTRFX Control training for marketing strategies
  • Fare Marketing best practices



  • Deploy interlinking
  • Execute test transactions and verify proper attribution in Web Analytics platform
  • Production release to subdirectory/subdomain
  • Sign Product Delivery Form


  • Fully-functioning production environment including UAT feedback classified as pre-delivery
  • airTRFX Control training and Fare Marketing best practices

Teams Involved:


  • Project Manager
  • Tracking/Web Analytics Expert
  • Digital Marketing team
  • Systems Engineer
  • Product Owner


  • Product Delivery
  • Customer Success
  • Performance Marketing
  • Data Analytics
Phase 6: Indexing

Key Discussion Topics:

  • Review robots.txt file
  • Setup of Google Search Console (GSC)
  • Sitemaps generation and submission



  • Grant access to Google Search Console
  • Finalize Google Search Console properties
  • Implement 301 redirects (if applicable)


  • Assistance with Google Search Console (GSC) setup
  • Sitemaps generation and submission

Teams Involved:


  • Project Manager
  • Digital Marketing team
  • Web Publishing team


  • Product Delivery
  • Customer Success
  • Performance Marketing

FareNet Implementation

FareNet JavaScript Placement: To allow PROS to collect and use Customer’s anonymized price, product information, and booking engine search activity, Customer must implement the FareNet JavaScript pixel using a Custom HTML Tag in the Tag Management System in Customer’s Internet Booking Engine (“IBE”). Details are available here: https://pros.com/implementation-welcome/ 

Other Price and Product Information Sources: Upon mutual, PROS will integrate additional sources of price and product information into the Offer Marketing Platform. The Parties may also mutually agree to replace FareNet with an alternative primary source of price and product information.

Changes to Customer Website or IBE:  Customer must notify PROS in writing at least 10 business days prior to making any changes to its website or IBE which could impact the Subscription Service. The notification should follow the change control process set forth at http://www.pros.com/changecontrol. Changes can include style, layout, code, scripts, or any other modification impacting the FareNet Script or the Subscription Service’s performance. If Customer does not provide the notification as specified above, PROS Service Level Agreement shall not apply to, and PROS shall not be responsible for, any issue arising as a result of the change.

airTRFX Control Training Program

The airTRFX Product Setup Plan includes 4 live, virtual airTRFX Control training sessions totaling approximately 4.5 hours and a complement of corresponding online courses provided by EVERYMUNDO.

Session 1

Completed when pages are ready in Development, but not ready for final UAT


  • airTRFX Overview (templates and airModules)
  • airTRFX Control Overview
  • airTRFX Initial Configuration (Routes, Images, Page Contents)

Length: 1 hour

Session 2

Completed when pages are ready in Development, but not yet delivered for UAT
(Session 1 and 2 can happen in the same week)


  • airTRFX Additional Configuration ( Metadata, Location Images, Content, Labels)

Length: 1 hour

Session 3

Held once UAT has been completed and the product is ready for Production or has been moved to Production


  • Custom Pages and Custom Fare airModules: Strategic Routes and Promotions

Length: 1.5 hours

Session 4

This training takes place one week after Session 3 has been conducted


  • Campaigns for Template Pages
  • Advanced Assets

Length: 1 hour

airTRFX Product Language Setup

Upon completion of airTRFX Product Setup, the airTRFX Product will support the first two (2) languages listed in the Customer’s initial airTRFX Order Form or Statement of Work (“SOW”). The remaining languages listed in that Order Form or SOW will then be delivered in sets of two (2) language every six (6) to eight (8) weeks until all listed languages have been delivered.  This frequency is followed to align with SEO best practices. 

 Customer may add any languages in addition to those listed in the initial airTRFX Order Form or SOW to the Product at any time with the completion of an associated airTRFX Order Form.

 EVERYMUNDO will invoice Customer for languages in addition to those listed in the initial airTRFX Order Form or SOW at the date of launch of each new language, and the fees will be added to the regular quarterly invoice (including a pro-rated amount for a partial first quarter of use).

Ongoing Customer Support

During Product Setup

  • EveryMundo team members will be available via Zoom conference for 60-minutes once per week during the implementation calls.
  • For emergencies, EveryMundo team members can schedule phone calls besides the weekly implementation calls.
  • Communication outside of the weekly implementation calls should be documented via Basecamp.
    • Basecamp is a project management tool which allows both customer and EveryMundo invitees to document requirements, questions and/or clarifications, and decisions made throughout the Product Setup process.

Post-setup Support

24/7 Product support

  • Report bugs or submit change requests
  • Request accesses to airTRFX Control
  • Suggest changes
  • airTRFX Control or Product Configuration related questions (How to…?)

Customer Success Managers

  • Schedule calls with Customer Success team as needed to discuss Product usage roadmap and track progress, ask questions related to strategic usage of Product, and general discussions
  • Will respond to Basecamp messages within 48 hours
  • Other teams will be involved as needed

Development Sprints

  • EveryMundo uses Agile project management methods, including 2-week development sprints which typically start and end on Thursdays.
  • Development typically occurs during the first six days of the sprint, followed by QA in each environment (development, pre-production/staging, production).
  • Requirements gathering and tickets prioritization occurs 7 days prior initiation of a new Sprint. Any requests or non-critical bugs submitted after the requirements gathering closing window, will not be considered in the immediate upcoming Sprint and will be prioritized for subsequent Sprints.
  • In the case of a critical issue, a critical deployment can be pushed outside of the regular sprint schedule.

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